Store Policy Update

Oh, Look! It’s a…


Howdy, folks! Thanks very much for taking a minute to check out this important update. Before we get into the what, I thought I’d take a minute to discuss the why. As one might expect, no policy change comes from nowhere. Over the course of ordinary operation of a commercial venture, one tends to spend a decent amount of time problem solving and troubleshooting minor incidents, vague snafus, and general unforseen hiccups. From time to time, however, the patterns of these incidents lead us to understand that there may be a shortcoming in our current operating procedure, et Voila! A Store Policy Update is born.

In this case, it has come to our attention that there has been a certain neighborly looseness inherent to our policies around Personal Checks and Declining Balance Gift Cards (Member Accounts) that provides opportunities for the potentially unscrupulous to take advantage of the store, or potentially of their fellow customers. So we’ll be tightening up a couple of things in that regard. We hope you’ll be patient with us as we put into motion these new policies, and understand that they are here not to punish or inconvenience, but to protect you, our Valued Customers and Members.


Effective immediately, our cashiers will be asking all customers to present a state-issued form of identification, then recording the Driver’s License or State ID number on all personal checks used for payment at The Creamery. With your kind understanding, please know that this will apply to everyone, even customers and members who we know and have known for years. It is important to us, and we hope also to you, that other customers in the store know that this process is in place and applies to everyone. Put it this way: if an unauthorized party gets ahold of your checkbook, rest assured that they won’t be able to use it at The Creamery.


Are you a Member who utilizes a Declining Balance Gift Card or Member Account to make purchases at The Creamery? We love that! Just load up your account when you have the ability, and make checking out a breeze! Do you have family or household members that you would like to make your account available to for their use? We want you to be secure in knowing that your money is safe with us. So: Beginning March 1, The Creamery will need to have a record of their names in your member account. (If we already have a record of your authorized users, they will migrate to our new system automatically!)

If you would like to preauthorize the use of your membership by parties other than yourself, please fill out a Member Account Authorization Form at the register the next time you pass through the store. Once you have given us those pre-approved names, a screen will pop up every time your member number is used at the register which will include the names of the folks you have approved to use your account. Additionally, we will automatically email a receipt to the account holder every time money from the account is used.

As ever, thank you for your ongoing business and input. We strive every day to be the best Old Creamery Co-op we can be for all of our Members and Guests. With your generous input, we can only get better. See ya round the store!  ~Lloyd