Our Hilltown Community Food Co-op prepares wholesome foods and sells everyday goods and products to our community. Together we support local farmers and strengthen our local Hilltown economy.
What’s Moo at the Creamery?
Local Highlight: Cummington Supply
Even in a quiet town like Cummington there’s still plenty to get done; a new wood shed that needs to be sheathed before the first snow, those “quick” renovations that threw a curveball, or that footing that just needs a bag of concrete and a ...
Local Highlight: Oliver’s Farm Stand
Oliver’s Farm Stand is a testament to hard work and the benefits of a local network. Ruby Hutt has built relationships with farms from across the Valley and Hilltowns with the aim to provide access to hyper local fruits and veggies for her customers. Her ...
Local Highlight: Berkshire Environmental Action Team
When considering the world around us, and when thinking to the future, the idea of stewardship arises. How can we preserve this incredible planet for our children, how do we pass on the knowledge we have gained, and how can we improve on what we’ve ...